A Node.js based static-site generator that uses EJS and Markdown. Deploy your static site to Netlify or any platform to your liking. Suited for landing pages, portfolio, blogs, documentation, hobby projects.
static-site-express is a simple Node.js based static site generator that uses EJS and Markdown. Installation and usage guide.
Tutorial on how to customize your website, use Netlify Identity, Git Gateway, Netlify Forms, and Netlify Content Management System (CMS) to conveniently write your blog.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean augue nisl, ultricies eu ex quis, bibendum iaculis neque. Integer blandit magna eget tempus ultricies.
Quisque nec congue orci, id facilisis ex. Vestibulum sed sapien risus. Vestibulum tempus neque sed nunc volutpat, non pellentesque metus vehicula. Aliquam et velit a odio elementum varius eget sed massa. Sed id dui laoreet, facilisis nisl id, eleifend elit.
Vestibulum ante neque, sollicitudin vel ultrices malesuada, euismod eu est. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Cras metus nibh, ullamcorper id est eget, scelerisque volutpat ante. Nulla facilisi. Praesent ornare orci purus, ut maximus dolor ultrices et.
I created this post for those who are unfamiliar with the syntax of Markdown. People who are already similar with Markdown should also check this post because I use some special plugins that provide additional features.