Dec 28, 2018

Customize your site, write your blog with Netlify CMS

The frontend of website is created by using Tailwind CSS framework with Flowbite UI library. In order to understand static-site-express better, I show you the directory structure. When you customize your site, you need to modify the site generator code a little bit. For example, if you want to add about page etc. to your site.

For the installation guide, see my previous posts.

Directory Structure (only the main parts are shown)

├── app
├── assets
|   ├── css
|       ├── main.css
|   ├── js
|       ├── identity.js
|       └── main.js
├── bin
├── config/site.config.js
├── content
|   ├── admin
|   ├── assets
|       ├── images
|           └── uploads
|       ├── js
|       └── css
|   ├── data
|   ├── favicon
|   ├── lang
|   ├── layouts
|       └── partials
|   ├── pages
|   ├── posts
|   ├── _headers
|   ├── _redirects
|   ├── robots.txt
├── site-generator
|   ├── core
|       ├── generator.js
|       ├── modules.js
|   ├── methods
|       ├── methods.js
|   ├── utils
|       ├── logger.js
|   ├── build.js
|   └── serve.js
|   └── watch.js
├── public
├── node_modules
├── netlify.toml
├── .env
├── package.json
└── postcss.config.js
└── tailwind.config.js
└── webpack.config.js
└── .gitignore
└── etc.


This script contains the main properties of the website. These properties are automatically pasted into the EJS partials:

module.exports = {
  site: {
    // BASE
    title: "static-site-express",
    quote: "A Node.js-based static site generator that uses EJS and Markdown",
      "A Node.js based static-site generator that uses EJS and Markdown. Deploy your static site to Netlify or any platform to your liking. Suited for landing pages, portfolio, blogs, documentation, hobby projects.",
    author: "András Gulácsi",
    defaultImage: "/assets/images/static.jpg",
    github: "",
    githubProfile: "",
    currentYear: new Date().getFullYear(),
    // [...]

What are these folders?

Write your blogposts

You have to use Markdown format for writing posts. The file consists of a YAML header (metadata for your post) and the actual content, the text of your post in Markdown. See more about Markdown syntax in my previous post.

Filename format:

You should stick to this format.

The YAML header (between the two ---) looks like this:

title: Welcome to static-site-express. Install guide.
date: '2018-06-22'
excerpt: >-
  static-site-express is a simple Node.js based static site generator that uses EJS and Markdown. Installation and usage guide.
coverImage: node.jpg

static-site-express is a simple Node.js based static-site generator that uses EJS and Markdown...

Currrently, only string format is allowed for the date property, so if you need to post more than once a day, it will lead to problems!

Use Netlify's Content Management System to write your posts

First, you have to enable Netlify Identity. Add Git Gateway providers, set up keys, so that you can login with your Github. Alternatively, invite yourself, and set up your password.

Login at Netlify, select your site, click Identity in the navigation: at registration preferences, select the 'Invite only' option, so that no one could register without your invitation.

After logging in to, you can create your posts.

Netlify CMS documentation.

Use Netlify Forms

If you want to use forms, enable Netlify Forms.


Use third party solutions, for instance Disqus.

Tracker code

Add the script in the scripts.ejs partial or in the head.ejs templates (pages, blogpost use different ones).